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Outdoor Gear Reviews, Tips & Adventure Stories to Inspire an Outdoor Life

Month: April 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Perfect Fly Fishing Spot

where to fly fishing
Finding the perfect fly fishing spot can lead to the ultimate outdoor experience combined with plenty of fish.

Fly fishing is a beloved pastime for many outdoor enthusiasts. At Outward Spaces, we’ve focused on why it’s better than traditional fishing in the past. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of casting a line and reeling in a big catch while surrounded by stunning natural scenery. But as any experienced angler knows, finding the perfect spot to fish can make all the difference.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a beginner, choosing the right location for fly fishing is crucial to your success and enjoyment. But with so many potential spots to choose from, how do you know where to start?

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to find the perfect fly fishing spot. From researching potential locations to evaluating water conditions and considering seasonal factors, we’ll provide you with the tools you need to make an informed decision.

So whether you’re looking for a peaceful escape to nature or the thrill of catching a trophy fish, read on to discover the ultimate guide to finding the perfect fly fishing spot.

Know Your Target Fish Species

where to fly fishing
Trout prefer cold streams and rivers with plenty of oxygen.

Before you set out on your fly fishing adventure, it’s important to know what type of fish you want to catch. Different fish species have their own preferred habitats, feeding patterns, and behaviors, so understanding these factors can help you choose the right spot for your fishing trip.

For example, if you’re looking to catch trout, you’ll want to look for clear, cold streams and rivers with plenty of oxygen and food sources like insects and small fish. If you’re targeting bass, you’ll want to focus on warmer water temperatures and areas with plenty of cover like fallen trees and weed beds.

Research the fish species you’re interested in catching and take note of their preferred habitats and feeding patterns. This will help you narrow down your search to locations that are more likely to yield a successful catch.

Additionally, it’s important to know the regulations and restrictions for the fish species in the area you’re planning to fish. Some species may be protected or have specific catch and release guidelines, so make sure you’re familiar with the rules and regulations before you start fishing.

Research Potential Spots

Once you have an idea of what fish species you’re targeting, it’s time to start researching potential fly fishing spots. There are a variety of resources you can use to find the best locations, including guidebooks, online forums, and local fly shops.

Guidebooks can be a great starting point for finding potential fly fishing spots. Look for books that focus on your target fish species and the region you plan to fish in. These books often provide detailed information on the best rivers, streams, and lakes in the area, as well as information on access points, local regulations, and recommended fishing techniques.

Online forums can also be a valuable resource for finding potential fishing spots. Look for forums that are specific to your target fish species or the region you plan to fish in. These forums often have discussions on the best spots to fish and can provide insight into local fishing conditions.

Another great resource is local fly shops. These shops often have staff who are experienced anglers and can provide recommendations on the best spots to fish in the area. They may also have information on local fishing conditions, including water levels, insect hatches, and recent catch reports.

When researching potential fly fishing spots, make sure to take note of any permit requirements or access restrictions. Some areas may require permits or have limited access during certain times of the year, so it’s important to do your research beforehand.

A great place to start your search for the perfect spot is on the Orvis website.  They offer fly fishing reports for popular fly fishing spots around the US.

Consider Seasonal Factors

The time of year can have a significant impact on fishing conditions and the quality of your fishing experience. Before you head out on your fishing trip, it’s important to consider the seasonal factors that can affect fishing.

For example, water temperature plays a big role in fish behavior and feeding patterns. In colder months, fish may be less active and less likely to bite, while in warmer months, they may be more active and more likely to take your bait. Additionally, insect hatches and other food sources can vary depending on the time of year, so it’s important to be aware of these patterns and adjust your fishing strategy accordingly.

Another seasonal factor to consider is water levels. In the spring, water levels may be higher due to snowmelt and spring rain, while in the summer, water levels may be lower due to drought conditions. These changes in water levels can affect the behavior and location of fish, so it’s important to be aware of these patterns and adjust your fishing strategy accordingly.

When planning your fishing trip, do some research on the seasonal patterns for your target fish species and the area you plan to fish in. This can help you choose the best time of year to go fishing and adjust your fishing strategy to maximize your chances of success.

Evaluate Water Conditions

fly fishing in the mountains
When searching for the perfect fly fishing spot, consider water levels which can affect the behavior and location of fish.

Once you’ve identified potential fly fishing spots, it’s important to evaluate the water conditions to determine if they’re suitable for your fishing trip. There are several factors to consider when evaluating water conditions, including water clarity, flow rate, and temperature.

Water clarity is an important factor to consider when evaluating a potential fishing spot. Clear water allows you to see the fish and their behavior, making it easier to target them with your fly. In murky water, fish may be harder to see and may not be as active, so it’s important to take this into account when choosing a fishing location.

Flow rate is another important factor to consider. Fish prefer areas with a steady flow of water, as this provides oxygen and helps transport food sources. However, if the water is flowing too fast, fish may struggle to swim and feed, so it’s important to find a balance.

Water temperature is also an important factor to consider. Fish are cold-blooded, so their body temperature is regulated by the surrounding water. Different fish species have different temperature preferences, so it’s important to know the ideal temperature range for your target fish species. Additionally, water temperature can affect fish behavior, with some fish becoming more active in warmer water while others prefer cooler temperatures.

When evaluating water conditions, it’s also important to consider any potential hazards or obstacles in the water, such as rocks or log jams. These can create areas where fish are more likely to congregate but can also pose a danger to anglers.

By evaluating water conditions before your fishing trip, you can choose a location that provides the best conditions for your target fish species and maximize your chances of a successful catch.

Look for Key Habitat Features

To find the best fly fishing spots, it’s important to look for key habitat features that attract fish. These features can include underwater structures, vegetation, and changes in water depth.

Underwater structures, such as rocks, logs, and ledges, provide shelter and hiding places for fish. These structures can also create eddies and currents that trap food sources, making them an ideal location for fish to feed. By identifying areas with underwater structures, you can increase your chances of finding fish.

Vegetation is another key habitat feature to look for. Plants growing in or around the water provide cover and shade for fish, making them feel more secure and comfortable. Additionally, aquatic vegetation can provide food sources for fish and attract insect hatches, which in turn can attract larger fish.

Changes in water depth can also be a key habitat feature to look for. Fish often congregate in areas where there is a sudden change in water depth, such as where a shallow riffle drops off into a deep pool. These areas can provide shelter, food sources, and oxygen-rich water, making them an ideal location for fish to congregate.

When scouting potential fly fishing spots, look for areas with these key habitat features. By targeting areas where fish are likely to congregate, you can increase your chances of a successful catch. However, it’s important to be aware of local regulations and fishing restrictions when fishing in areas with underwater structures and vegetation to avoid damaging the ecosystem.

Access and Crowd Considerations

When choosing a fly fishing spot, it’s important to consider access and crowd factors. While remote and secluded locations may offer the best fishing opportunities, they can also be more difficult to access and may have limited parking or facilities. On the other hand, popular fishing spots may be easier to access but can be crowded, leading to reduced fishing opportunities and a less enjoyable experience.

Consider the following when evaluating access and crowd factors:

the perfect fly fishing spot
Crowded fishing spots can make it more difficult to find a good fishing location, reduce your chances of a successful catch, and detract from the overall fishing experience.
  1. Accessibility: How easy is it to get to the fishing spot? Are there any major obstacles or barriers that could make it difficult to reach? Consider the distance you’ll need to travel, the mode of transportation, and the time and effort required to reach the fishing spot.
  2. Facilities: Does the fishing spot have any facilities, such as parking, restrooms, or camping areas? These can be important considerations, especially if you’re planning an extended fishing trip.
  3. Crowds: How popular is the fishing spot? Are there likely to be a lot of other anglers fishing in the area? Crowded fishing spots can make it more difficult to find a good fishing location, reduce your chances of a successful catch, and detract from the overall fishing experience.
  4. Local regulations: Be sure to familiarize yourself with local fishing regulations and restrictions, including any fishing permits or licenses required. Some fishing spots may be restricted or off-limits during certain times of the year, or may have catch limits or equipment restrictions.

By considering access and crowd factors, you can choose a fly fishing spot that offers the best balance of fishing opportunities, convenience, and overall experience.


Finding the perfect fly fishing spot can be a challenging but rewarding endeavor. By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can increase your chances of finding a great spot that meets your needs and offers an unforgettable fishing experience.

Remember to consider the key factors when evaluating potential fishing spots, including your target fish species, seasonal factors, water conditions, habitat features, access, and crowd considerations. Take the time to research potential locations and familiarize yourself with local regulations and restrictions to ensure a safe and legal fishing experience.

Ultimately, the key to finding the perfect fly fishing spot is to keep an open mind, stay adaptable, and be willing to try new things. With patience, persistence, and a little bit of luck, you may just find your next favorite fishing spot.

Happy fishing!

Why is fly fishing better than traditional fishing? Read our article “Why Fly Fishing Offers a Unique Challenge.”

5 Reasons Why Hiking is a Fun and Fulfilling Adventure

why hiking is fun

If you’re looking for a way to stay active and get outdoors, hiking might be just the activity you need. Hiking involves walking on trails or off-road paths, typically in natural settings such as mountains, forests, and parks. It’s a popular pastime enjoyed by millions of people around the world, and for good reason: hiking is not only a great way to stay active but also a fun and fulfilling adventure that offers numerous benefits.

In this blog post, we’ll explore five reasons why hiking is such a fun and fulfilling activity. From physical and mental health benefits to the joys of connecting with nature and the social and personal growth opportunities that hiking provides, there are many reasons to try this outdoor activity. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or a beginner, we hope that this post will inspire you to get outside and explore the world on foot.

Reason #1: Physical health benefits

One of the most obvious benefits of hiking is the improvement it can bring to your physical health. Hiking is a form of cardiovascular exercise, which means it can help you build endurance, burn calories, and improve your overall fitness. Here are some of the physical health benefits you can enjoy from hiking:

  • hiker at the top of a mountain
    Hiking can help you build endurance, burn calories, and improve your overall fitness.

    Weight loss: Hiking can be an effective way to shed excess weight, as it can burn anywhere from 400 to 700 calories per hour depending on your body weight and the intensity of the hike.

  • Cardiovascular health: Hiking can help improve your heart health by strengthening your heart and lungs, increasing your blood flow, and reducing your risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • Muscle strength: Hiking can strengthen your lower body muscles, including your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. Uphill hiking, in particular, can be an effective way to build leg strength.
  • Improved bone density: Hiking is a weight-bearing exercise, which means it can help improve your bone density and reduce your risk of osteoporosis.

In addition to these physical health benefits, hiking can also be a low-impact exercise that is easier on your joints than other forms of exercise like running or high-impact aerobics. This makes it a great option for people of all ages and fitness levels.

Reason #2: Mental health benefits

Beyond the physical health benefits of hiking, there are also numerous mental health benefits that can make it a fun and fulfilling activity. Here are some of the ways that hiking can benefit your mental health:

  • hiker looking at vista
    Hiking can be a form of meditation that allows you to clear your mind and focus on the present moment.

    Stress reduction: Hiking can be a great way to reduce stress and unwind from the pressures of daily life. Being in nature and away from screens and other distractions can help calm your mind and reduce anxiety.

  • Improved mood: Spending time in nature can also boost your mood and increase feelings of happiness and well-being. The physical activity of hiking can also release endorphins, which can elevate your mood and reduce feelings of depression.
  • Increased creativity: Hiking can stimulate your creativity and help you think outside the box. Being in nature and away from technology can help you clear your mind and think more creatively.
  • Improved cognitive function: Hiking has been shown to improve cognitive function, including memory and attention span. Spending time in nature and engaging in physical activity can also improve brain function and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

In addition to these mental health benefits, hiking can also be a form of meditation that allows you to clear your mind and focus on the present moment. Whether you’re hiking alone or with others, the peacefulness of nature can be a great way to recharge and improve your mental well-being.

Reason #3: Connecting with nature

Hiking is a great way to connect with nature and appreciate the beauty of the world around us. Here are some of the ways that hiking can help you connect with nature:

  • hiker connecting with nature
    Hiking can be a fun and fulfilling way to connect with the natural world.

    Appreciation of natural beauty: Hiking can take you to some of the most beautiful and scenic places on earth. From mountains and waterfalls to forests and meadows, hiking allows you to appreciate the natural beauty of the world.

  • Mindfulness: Hiking can help you become more mindful and present in the moment. Being in nature and away from technology and distractions can help you focus on your surroundings and appreciate the present moment.
  • Environmental awareness: Hiking can also help you become more aware of environmental issues and the need to protect our natural resources. Seeing the impact that humans can have on the environment can inspire you to become a better steward of the earth.
  • Connection with wildlife: Hiking can also provide opportunities to connect with wildlife and observe animals in their natural habitats. Whether it’s spotting a deer in the woods or watching a bird soar through the sky, hiking can help you appreciate the diversity of life on Earth.

In addition to these benefits, hiking can also be a way to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of city life and reconnect with nature. Whether you’re hiking through a remote wilderness area or simply exploring a local park, hiking can be a fun and fulfilling way to connect with the natural world.

Reason #4: Social benefits

Hiking can also be a social activity that allows you to connect with others and build relationships. Here are some of the social benefits of hiking:

  • group of hikers resting on a lookout point
    The shared experience of a challenging hike can help build confidence and resilience

    Bonding with friends and family: Hiking can be a great way to spend quality time with friends and family members. Sharing the experience of a challenging hike or discovering a beautiful view together can create lasting memories and strengthen relationships.

  • Meeting new people: Hiking can also be a great way to meet new people who share your interests. Joining a hiking club or group can be a fun way to explore new trails and make new friends.
  • Community building: Hiking can also be a way to build community and foster a sense of belonging. Participating in community hikes or volunteering to maintain local trails can help you feel more connected to your community and contribute to a greater cause.
  • Developing teamwork skills: Hiking with others can also help you develop teamwork skills, as you work together to navigate the trail, overcome obstacles, and support each other along the way.

In addition to these social benefits, hiking can also be a way to challenge yourself and step outside your comfort zone. Whether you’re hiking with friends or strangers, the shared experience of a challenging hike can help you build confidence and resilience.

Reason #5: Personal growth

Hiking can also be a way to promote personal growth and development. Here are some of the ways that hiking can help you grow as a person:

  • Self-discovery: Hiking can provide opportunities for self-discovery and introspection. Being alone in nature or pushing yourself to new physical limits can help you learn more about yourself and your capabilities.
  • Overcoming challenges: Hiking can be a way to challenge yourself and overcome obstacles. Whether it’s climbing a steep mountain or navigating a rocky trail, hiking can help you develop resilience and perseverance.
  • Setting and achieving goals: Hiking can also be a way to set and achieve goals. Whether it’s completing a difficult hike or reaching a specific destination, setting and achieving goals can boost your confidence and sense of accomplishment.
  • Personal reflection: Hiking can also provide opportunities for personal reflection and growth. Spending time alone in nature can help you reflect on your life, values, and goals, and make meaningful changes.

In addition to these personal growth benefits, hiking can also be a way to develop a deeper appreciation for life and the natural world. Whether you’re hiking to a mountain peak or simply strolling through a local park, hiking can be a fun and fulfilling way to explore the world and grow as a person.

hiker reflecting while on a hike
Hiking can be a way to develop a deeper appreciation for life and the natural world.

The Bottom Line

Hiking is a fun and fulfilling adventure that offers a wide range of physical, mental, social, and personal growth benefits. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or just starting out, hiking can be a way to challenge yourself, connect with nature, and build relationships with others.

By taking the time to appreciate the natural beauty around us, we can develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the world we live in. Through hiking, we can also learn more about ourselves and our own capabilities, and develop the resilience and confidence needed to overcome challenges and achieve our goals.

So, if you haven’t already, grab a pair of hiking boots and hit the trails. Whether you’re exploring local parks or embarking on a multi-day backpacking trip, hiking can be a fun and fulfilling way to connect with nature, challenge yourself, and grow as a person.

Ready to get out on the trail? Check out these best selling hiking boots on Amazon:


Sailing Across the Seas: How Many Miles Can a Sailboat Travel in a Day?

how many miles can a sailboat travel in a day

Sailing across the seas has been a dream of adventurers, explorers, and sailors for centuries. There is something undeniably alluring about the idea of setting out into the open water, propelled by the wind, and leaving the cares of the world behind. For many sailors, the question of how many miles can a sailboat travel in a day is both practical and romantic.

The distance a sailboat can cover in a day depends on many factors, including wind speed and direction, sea state and currents, the type of sailboat and its capabilities, and the skill and experience of the crew. While there are no hard and fast rules for calculating a sailboat’s daily distance, understanding these factors can help sailors make informed decisions about trip planning, sail selection, and navigation.

In this article, we will explore the question of how many miles a sailboat can travel in a day. We will look at the factors that affect a sailboat’s daily distance, discuss methods for calculating it, and explore the limits of a sailboat’s speed and range. We will also offer tips and tricks for maximizing the distance you can cover in a day and provide insights for aspiring sailors who want to set out on their own adventure.

Understanding the Factors

To understand how many miles a sailboat can travel in a day, it’s important to consider the various factors that can affect a sailboat’s daily distance. These include wind speed and direction, sea state and currents, the type of sailboat and its capabilities, and the skill and experience of the crew.

sailboat in calm seas
The availability of wind can greatly affect the distance a sailboat can travel in a day.

Wind speed and direction are perhaps the most critical factors in determining how far a sailboat can travel in a day. Sailboats are powered by the wind, and the speed and direction of the wind can make a significant difference in how fast a sailboat can go. A sailboat can typically sail at a speed equal to the true wind speed. The wind direction can also affect a sailboat’s speed, as sailing against the wind (called “beating” or “tacking”) is slower than sailing with the wind (called “running” or “reaching”).

Sea state and currents can also play a role in a sailboat’s daily distance. The state of the sea can affect the speed and stability of a sailboat, especially in rough or choppy conditions. Currents can also affect a sailboat’s speed and direction, and sailors must take them into account when plotting their course.

The type of sailboat and its capabilities are also important factors in determining how many miles a sailboat can travel in a day. Different types of sailboats have different speeds and capabilities, and sailors must consider these when planning their trips. For example, a small dinghy will typically sail at a slower speed than a larger yacht, and a sailboat designed for racing will be faster than one designed for cruising.

Finally, the skill and experience of the crew can make a significant difference in a sailboat’s daily distance. Experienced sailors are better equipped to handle changing conditions, adjust the sail plan for maximum speed, and navigate effectively. Novice sailors may need to learn these skills before attempting longer trips.

In the next section, we will discuss methods for calculating a sailboat’s daily distance, taking these factors into account.

Calculating a Sailboat’s Daily Distance

Calculating how many miles a sailboat can travel in a day can be a complex process, as it involves taking into account a variety of factors. However, there are several methods that sailors can use to estimate their daily distance.

One of the most common ways to measure a sailboat’s speed is with a knotmeter, which measures the speed of the boat through the water. The knotmeter gives the speed in knots, which is equivalent to nautical miles per hour. However, this measurement only gives the speed of the boat relative to the water, and not the distance traveled over ground.

To estimate the distance traveled over ground, sailors must adjust for leeway and current. Leeway is the sideways drift of the sailboat caused by the wind, while current is the movement of water caused by tides, waves, and other factors. These factors can cause a sailboat to travel a shorter or longer distance over ground than through the water, depending on the direction of the wind and current.

Sailors can estimate their distance traveled over ground by using a GPS device. GPS can provide accurate speed and position information, which can be used to calculate the distance traveled. Sailors can also use navigation tools such as charts and compasses to plot their course and estimate their distance.

It’s worth noting that the daily distance a sailboat can travel is not constant, as it depends on the changing conditions of wind, sea state, and currents. Sailors must be prepared to adjust their course and sail plan to maximize their speed and efficiency.

In the next section, we will explore the limits of a sailboat’s speed and range and discuss how sailors can maximize their daily distance.

Exploring the Limits of a Sailboat’s Speed and Range

Every sailboat has its own limits in terms of speed and range. The maximum speed of a sailboat depends on factors such as the sail area, hull shape, and weight. The range of a sailboat depends on factors such as the size of the fuel tank, the capacity of the water tanks, and the amount of food and supplies on board.

Nautical chart for sailing
Planning your route to take advantage of favorable winds and currents in crucial to sailing as efficiently as possible.

In general, sailboats can travel at speeds ranging from 4 to 8 knots, depending on the wind and sea conditions. However, some sailboats are capable of higher speeds, especially in racing conditions. The fastest sailboats in the world, such as hydrofoils and multihulls, can reach speeds of up to 50 knots.

The range of a sailboat varies widely depending on the size and type of the boat, as well as the conditions of the trip. A sailboat’s range can be increased by carrying extra fuel and water, using renewable energy sources such as solar panels and wind turbines, and conserving resources by minimizing power usage and reducing waste.

To maximize their daily distance, sailors must take into account the limits of their sailboat’s speed and range, as well as the changing conditions of wind and sea. This may involve adjusting their sail plan, navigating around obstacles such as land masses and shipping lanes, and planning their route to take advantage of favorable winds and currents.

Sailors can also use a variety of techniques to increase their speed and efficiency. These include adjusting the angle of the sails, trimming the sails to reduce drag, and using a spinnaker or other specialized sail to catch more wind. Additionally, sailors can use techniques such as heaving to and reefing the sails to maintain control in high winds or heavy seas.

In the next section, we will provide tips and insights for sailors who want to set out on their own adventure and explore the limits of their sailboat’s speed and range.

How many miles can a sailboat travel in a day?

Assuming a sailboat sails all 24 hours, the number of miles a sailboat can travel in a day can be calculated by multiplying its average cruising speed by 24.  Racing sailboats average around 15 knots per hour.  Cruising sailboats average 4-6 knots per hour.

Theoretically, in consistent and perfect conditions, a racing sailboat can travel 360 nautical miles in a day. Under the same theoretical conditions, a cruising sailboat can expect to travel between 96-144 nautical miles in a day.

A nautical mile is equal to 1.15 land miles. by So a racing sailboat can travel 414 “land” miles in a day. A cruising sailboat can travel 110-165 “land” miles per day.

Tips for Maximizing Your Daily Distance

Whether you are a seasoned sailor or just starting out, there are a few key tips that can help you maximize your sailboat’s daily distance.

  1. Sailboat traveling fast through a shipping channel.
    Adjusting your sail plan to navigate around obstacles such as shipping lanes can help to maximize your daily distance.

    Monitor wind and weather conditions: Keep an eye on the forecast and adjust your sail plan accordingly. Sails should be trimmed to catch the wind at the right angle, and reefed in strong winds to reduce the risk of capsizing or losing control. We recommend Predict Wind for wind and weather forecasting.

  2. Use navigation tools: Navigation tools such as GPS devices, charts, and compasses can help you plot your course and estimate your distance traveled. Keep track of your position and course to ensure that you stay on track and avoid hazards such as rocks, shoals, and shipping lanes.
  3. Optimize your sail plan: Experiment with different sail configurations to find the one that works best for your boat and the conditions. Use a spinnaker or other specialized sail to catch more wind when sailing downwind, and adjust the angle of the sails to maintain the right balance of speed and control.
  4. Practice good seamanship: Make sure your boat is well-maintained and equipped with the necessary safety gear, including life jackets, flares, and a first aid kit. Follow best practices for sailing, such as maintaining a lookout, avoiding collisions, and observing the rules of the road.
  5. Plan your route: Plan your route to take advantage of favorable winds and currents, and avoid obstacles such as land masses and shipping lanes. Keep in mind the range of your boat and plan for stops to refuel and restock on supplies.

By following these tips, you can maximize your sailboat’s daily distance and enjoy a safe and rewarding sailing adventure. Remember that sailing is both an art and a science and that there is always more to learn about the factors that influence a sailboat’s speed and range. With practice and experience, you can become a skilled and confident sailor and explore the seas with confidence.


In conclusion, the distance a sailboat can travel in a day depends on a variety of factors, including wind and sea conditions, the size and type of the boat, and the skills and experience of the crew. By understanding these factors and using the right techniques, sailors can maximize their daily distance and enjoy a safe and rewarding sailing adventure.

Whether you are a novice sailor or an experienced skipper, it is important to remember that sailing is a dynamic and constantly changing activity. Wind and sea conditions can vary from hour to hour, and sailors must be prepared to adjust their sail plan and navigate around obstacles as needed.

By following the tips and best practices outlined in this article, you can increase your sailboat’s speed and range, and explore the seas with confidence and skill. Remember to always prioritize safety, maintain your boat and equipment, and practice good seamanship at all times.

We hope that this article has provided you with valuable insights and inspiration for your next sailing adventure. Fair winds and following seas!

Learn more about the roots of sailing and view some of our sailing adventures at Outward Spaces.

Upgrade Your Camping Sleep: Air Mattress vs Cot – Which Option is Best?

camping air mattress vs cot

When you’re camping, few things are more important than a good night’s sleep. Whether you’re exploring the wilderness or just getting away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, a comfortable place to rest your head at night can make all the difference in your overall experience. That’s why choosing the right sleeping setup is crucial.

Two of the most popular options for camping are air mattresses and cots. Both have their pros and cons, and choosing the best one for your needs can be a daunting task. So, camping air mattress vs cot – which offers the best sleep upgrade? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at both options and compare them in terms of comfort, support, ease of use, portability, and other factors. By the end, you’ll have a better understanding of which option is right for you and how to make the most of your camping sleep setup.

Camping Air Mattresses

Camping air mattresses have become a popular choice for campers who want a comfortable sleeping surface without sacrificing portability or affordability. Here are some benefits of camping air mattresses to consider:

camping air mattress vs cot
The Coleman Airbed Cot is a hybrid air mattress and cot that is perfect for camping couples.

A well-made camping air mattress can provide a comfortable sleeping surface that rivals that of a traditional mattress. Many models are designed with features like extra cushioning, built-in pillows, and adjustable firmness to ensure a good night’s sleep.


Compared to traditional camping cots or sleeping pads, air mattresses are often more affordable. Prices can range from under $50 to over $200, depending on the size and features of the mattress.


Most camping air mattresses are designed to be lightweight and easy to pack. Many models can be rolled up or folded down to a compact size that fits into a carrying case or backpack.

Types of camping air mattresses available

Camping air mattresses come in two main types – self-inflating and manual inflating. Self-inflating mattresses use an internal foam core that expands when the valve is opened, while manual inflating mattresses require you to blow air into the mattress with your mouth or a pump.

When choosing a camping air mattress, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, consider the size of the mattress – make sure it will fit in your tent and accommodate your body size and sleeping preferences. Next, look for features that will enhance your comfort, such as a flocked or textured surface, built-in pump, or adjustable firmness settings. Finally, be aware of common issues with air mattresses, such as leaks, punctures, and noise.

Overall, camping air mattresses are a great option for campers who prioritize comfort and affordability. With the right mattress, you can enjoy a good night’s sleep in even the most rugged camping conditions.

Popular Camping Air Mattresses

SAYGOGO Camping Air Mattress Travel Bed Sleeping Pad - Leak Proof Inflatable Mattress with Thickened Surface Built-in Pillow Air Bed for Home Camping SUV Truck RV Tent(Updated)
Coleman SupportRest Double-High Air Mattress for Indoor or Outdoor Use, Easily Inflatable Airbed with Plush Top & Carry Bag, Queen & Twin Options Available
Kampair 3-Layer Inflatable Single Air Mattress for Camping, Travel, Indoor, Outdoor - Ultra Thick 4.75 Inch, Machine Washable, Built-in Zipper Convertible to Queen Size, Lightweight 3.6 Pound, Brown
Our Favorite
Coleman Camping Cots for Adults with Camping Air Mattress, Folding Air Mattresses Set, Battery-Operated Pump & Side Table for Outdoor Comfort
SAYGOGO Camping Air Mattress Travel Bed Sleeping Pad - Leak Proof Inflatable Mattress with Thickened Surface Built-in Pillow Air Bed for Home Camping SUV Truck RV Tent(Updated)
Coleman SupportRest Double-High Air Mattress for Indoor or Outdoor Use, Easily Inflatable Airbed with Plush Top & Carry Bag, Queen & Twin Options Available
Kampair 3-Layer Inflatable Single Air Mattress for Camping, Travel, Indoor, Outdoor - Ultra Thick 4.75 Inch, Machine Washable, Built-in Zipper Convertible to Queen Size, Lightweight 3.6 Pound, Brown
Coleman Camping Cots for Adults with Camping Air Mattress, Folding Air Mattresses Set, Battery-Operated Pump & Side Table for Outdoor Comfort
Price not available
SAYGOGO Camping Air Mattress Travel Bed Sleeping Pad - Leak Proof Inflatable Mattress with Thickened Surface Built-in Pillow Air Bed for Home Camping SUV Truck RV Tent(Updated)
SAYGOGO Camping Air Mattress Travel Bed Sleeping Pad - Leak Proof Inflatable Mattress with Thickened Surface Built-in Pillow Air Bed for Home Camping SUV Truck RV Tent(Updated)
Coleman SupportRest Double-High Air Mattress for Indoor or Outdoor Use, Easily Inflatable Airbed with Plush Top & Carry Bag, Queen & Twin Options Available
Coleman SupportRest Double-High Air Mattress for Indoor or Outdoor Use, Easily Inflatable Airbed with Plush Top & Carry Bag, Queen & Twin Options Available
Kampair 3-Layer Inflatable Single Air Mattress for Camping, Travel, Indoor, Outdoor - Ultra Thick 4.75 Inch, Machine Washable, Built-in Zipper Convertible to Queen Size, Lightweight 3.6 Pound, Brown
Kampair 3-Layer Inflatable Single Air Mattress for Camping, Travel, Indoor, Outdoor - Ultra Thick 4.75 Inch, Machine Washable, Built-in Zipper Convertible to Queen Size, Lightweight 3.6 Pound, Brown
Price not available
Our Favorite
Coleman Camping Cots for Adults with Camping Air Mattress, Folding Air Mattresses Set, Battery-Operated Pump & Side Table for Outdoor Comfort
Coleman Camping Cots for Adults with Camping Air Mattress, Folding Air Mattresses Set, Battery-Operated Pump & Side Table for Outdoor Comfort


Cots have been a go-to sleeping option for camping enthusiasts for years. Here are some benefits of cots to consider:

camping cot
Camping cots are more durable and have a more solid structure than air mattresses.

Cots offer a solid, off-the-ground sleeping surface that can provide better support and comfort than sleeping on the ground. This can be especially beneficial for campers who have back or joint pain.


Cots are often made with sturdy frames and high-quality materials, making them a durable and long-lasting option for camping.

Types of cots available

Cots come in two main types – traditional cots and camping-specific cots. Traditional cots are designed for indoor use and are typically heavier and bulkier than camping cots. Camping-specific cots are designed for outdoor use and are typically lighter and more compact, making them easier to transport.


While cots are not as compact or lightweight as air mattresses, camping-specific cots are still relatively easy to transport. Many models can be folded down into a compact size and come with a carrying case.

When choosing a cot, consider the size of the cot and make sure it will fit in your tent. Also, consider the weight capacity of the cot and make sure it can support your body weight. Look for features that will enhance your comfort, such as a padded sleeping surface or adjustable headrest. Finally, be aware of common issues with cots, such as difficulty setting up or disassembling and bulkiness.

Overall, cots are a great option for campers who prioritize support and durability. With the right cot, you can enjoy a comfortable and restful night’s sleep, even in the great outdoors.

Popular Camping Cots

Our Favorite
Coleman Trailhead II Camping Cot, Easy-to-Assemble Folding Cot Supports Campers up to 6ft 2in or 300lbs, Great for Camping, Lounging, & Elevated Sleeping
MARCHWAY Ultralight Folding Tent Camping Cot Bed, Portable Compact for Outdoor Travel, Base Camp, Hiking, Mountaineering, Lightweight Backpacking (Grey)
REDCAMP Folding Camping Cots for Adults Heavy Duty, 28" Wide Sturdy Portable Sleeping Cot for Camp Office Use, Gray
Coleman ComfortSmart Camping Cot with Sleeping Pad, Folding Steel Cot with Thick Mattress Pad for Comfortable Sleeping, Deluxe Size Available for Big & Tall Adults
Coleman Trailhead II Camping Cot, Easy-to-Assemble Folding Cot Supports Campers up to 6ft 2in or 300lbs, Great for Camping, Lounging, & Elevated Sleeping
MARCHWAY Ultralight Folding Tent Camping Cot Bed, Portable Compact for Outdoor Travel, Base Camp, Hiking, Mountaineering, Lightweight Backpacking (Grey)
REDCAMP Folding Camping Cots for Adults Heavy Duty, 28" Wide Sturdy Portable Sleeping Cot for Camp Office Use, Gray
Coleman ComfortSmart Camping Cot with Sleeping Pad, Folding Steel Cot with Thick Mattress Pad for Comfortable Sleeping, Deluxe Size Available for Big & Tall Adults
Our Favorite
Coleman Trailhead II Camping Cot, Easy-to-Assemble Folding Cot Supports Campers up to 6ft 2in or 300lbs, Great for Camping, Lounging, & Elevated Sleeping
Coleman Trailhead II Camping Cot, Easy-to-Assemble Folding Cot Supports Campers up to 6ft 2in or 300lbs, Great for Camping, Lounging, & Elevated Sleeping
MARCHWAY Ultralight Folding Tent Camping Cot Bed, Portable Compact for Outdoor Travel, Base Camp, Hiking, Mountaineering, Lightweight Backpacking (Grey)
MARCHWAY Ultralight Folding Tent Camping Cot Bed, Portable Compact for Outdoor Travel, Base Camp, Hiking, Mountaineering, Lightweight Backpacking (Grey)
REDCAMP Folding Camping Cots for Adults Heavy Duty, 28" Wide Sturdy Portable Sleeping Cot for Camp Office Use, Gray
REDCAMP Folding Camping Cots for Adults Heavy Duty, 28" Wide Sturdy Portable Sleeping Cot for Camp Office Use, Gray
Coleman ComfortSmart Camping Cot with Sleeping Pad, Folding Steel Cot with Thick Mattress Pad for Comfortable Sleeping, Deluxe Size Available for Big & Tall Adults
Coleman ComfortSmart Camping Cot with Sleeping Pad, Folding Steel Cot with Thick Mattress Pad for Comfortable Sleeping, Deluxe Size Available for Big & Tall Adults

Comparison: Camping Air Mattress vs Cot

When it comes to choosing between an air mattress and a cot for camping, there are several factors to consider. Here’s a breakdown of how these two options compare:


While both air mattresses and cots offer a comfortable sleeping surface, air mattresses generally provide a softer, more cushioned surface. Cots, on the other hand, offer a firmer sleeping surface that can provide better support for your back and joints.

Winner: Air Mattress


Air mattresses are typically lighter and more compact than cots, making them easier to transport. However, some air mattresses require a pump or power source to inflate, which can be inconvenient if you’re camping in a remote area. Cots are typically bulkier and heavier, but camping-specific cots can still be relatively easy to transport.

Winner: Air Mattress


Air mattresses are generally easier to set up – simply inflate with a pump or manually inflate with your mouth. Cots can be more difficult to set up, requiring assembly of the frame and attaching the sleeping surface.

Winner: Air Mattress


Both air mattresses and cots can be durable, but cots are typically more robust due to their sturdy frames and construction materials.

Winner: Cots


Air mattresses are generally more affordable than cots, with prices ranging from under $50 to over $200. Cots can range from around $50 to $300 or more, depending on the size and features of the cot.

Winner: Air Mattress

For us, air mattresses are the clear winner – offering plenty of comfort with reduced cost and portability. While they may not last as long as cots, the lower cost of an air mattress allows you to replace it when needed while still being economical. Our current camping bed of choice is both an air mattress and a cot.  The Coleman Queen Airbed Cot is a queen air mattress that is elevated on a folding structure to make it easier to get into and feel more like your bed at home.  It’s the best of both worlds. Read our full review here.

Ultimately, the choice between an air mattress and a cot will depend on your personal preferences and needs. If you prioritize comfort and portability, an air mattress may be the best choice. If you prioritize support and durability, a cot may be the better option. It’s important to consider factors such as the size of your tent, the weight capacity of the sleeping surface, and the ease of setup when making your decision.

The Bottom Line

So who wins in the battle of camping air mattress vs cot? When it comes to choosing the best sleeping option for camping, both air mattresses and cots have their pros and cons. Air mattresses offer a soft, cushioned surface that can be easy to transport and set up, while cots offer a firmer, more supportive sleeping surface that is typically more durable.

Ultimately, the best option for you will depend on your personal preferences and needs. If you prioritize comfort and portability, an air mattress may be the best choice. If you prioritize support and durability, a cot may be the better option.

It’s important to consider factors such as the size of your tent, the weight capacity of the sleeping surface, and the ease of setup when making your decision. By carefully considering your options and weighing the pros and cons, you can choose the best sleeping option for your next camping trip and enjoy a comfortable and restful night’s sleep under the stars.

camping air mattress vs cot
No matter what your sleeping preferences are, you deserve to sleep well when out under the stars.

Sleep Well

If you’re planning a camping trip in the near future, it’s important to choose the right sleeping option to ensure a comfortable and restful night’s sleep. When making your decision in the “camping air mattress vs cot” showdown, make sure to carefully consider your options and choose the best option for your needs.

If you found this article helpful, be sure to share it with your friends and family who are also planning a camping trip. And if you have any additional tips or insights on choosing the best sleeping option for camping, feel free to share them in the comments below.

Happy camping, and sweet dreams!

The Thrill of the Catch: Why Fly Fishing Offers a Unique Challenge

why fly fishing is better
Fly fishing provides a deeper connection with nature and a greater mental and physical challenge.

Fishing has been a popular pastime for centuries, with many people taking to the water in search of a big catch. However, while traditional fishing has its own charm, there is something special about fly fishing that sets it apart. It’s a technique that involves using a lightweight artificial lure, or “fly,” that is cast with a special type of fishing rod and reel.

Compared to traditional fishing, fly fishing requires a unique set of skills and techniques. The experience is also different, as it provides a deeper connection with nature and a greater mental and physical challenge. In this post, we will explore why fly fishing offers a unique challenge for anglers that traditional fishing does not. We will look at the gear, the technique, the catch, and the overall experience, highlighting what sets it apart from traditional fishing. So, whether you are an experienced angler or a curious beginner, read on to learn why fly fishing may just be the challenge you’ve been looking for.

The Gear

Fly fishing gear
A typical fly rod and reel setup – engineered to work together to create the delicate presentation needed to catch fish “on the fly”.

One of the first things you may notice about fly fishing is the unique gear required for the sport. Fly rods, reels, and lines are specifically designed to work together to create the delicate presentation needed to catch fish. Compared to traditional fishing gear, fly fishing gear is much lighter and more flexible, allowing for greater precision and control when casting.

The rod is typically longer and thinner than traditional fishing rods, allowing for greater casting distance and accuracy. Reels are also different, as they are designed to hold lightweight fly fishing line and are typically much smaller than traditional fishing reels. Fly fishing line is much thinner and lighter than traditional fishing line, which allows the angler to cast the fly more delicately.

The gear used is an essential component of the experience, and it takes some getting used to. Compared to traditional fishing gear, fly fishing gear may feel more challenging to handle at first, but with practice, it becomes second nature. The unique combination of the fly rod, reel, and line creates a specialized system that sets fly fishing apart and makes it a unique challenge for anglers.

The Technique

In addition to the unique gear, fly fishing also requires a specialized casting technique that is different from traditional fishing. Fly casting involves using a series of fluid motions to create a tight loop of line, which then propels the fly forward to land delicately on the water’s surface.

Fly casting requires a high level of precision and control, as the angler must not only cast the fly with accuracy but also control its speed, direction, and presentation on the water. Unlike traditional fishing, where the bait is typically dragged along the bottom of the water, fly casting involves mimicking the natural movements of insects that fish feed on. This means that the fly must be presented to the fish in a way that looks natural and enticing, which requires a delicate touch and careful attention to detail.

Fly casting can take time to master, and even experienced anglers may struggle with the technique in certain weather conditions or with different types of flies. However, the challenge of fly casting is part of what makes fly fishing so rewarding. It is a skill that requires practice and patience, but once mastered, it allows the angler to present the fly with precision and control, increasing the chances of catching the elusive fish.

via Gfycat

The Catch

One of the most rewarding aspects of fly fishing is the catch itself. Fly fishing offers a unique challenge when it comes to catching fish, as it requires a greater level of skill, patience, and strategy than traditional fishing.

First, fly fishing typically targets specific species of fish, most often trout, which can be more challenging to catch than others. These fish may require the angler to use specific types of flies or techniques to attract them, and they often have a keen sense of sight and smell, making them harder to fool.

Additionally, it often involves catch-and-release practices, where the fish is returned to the water unharmed. This requires the angler to handle the fish with care and precision, ensuring that the fish is not injured during the release process.

Finally, the satisfaction of catching a fish on a fly is hard to beat. Unlike traditional fishing, where the bait is typically swallowed whole by the fish, fly fishing involves setting the hook on the fish with a delicate touch, which requires a higher level of skill and finesse.

The catch is often the highlight of any fishing trip, and fly fishing offers a unique challenge that makes the experience even more rewarding. Whether it’s the thrill of catching a rare species or the satisfaction of releasing the fish unharmed, fly fishing provides a unique catch that sets it apart from traditional fishing.

catching a trout in a net
Nothing beats getting a beautiful trout into your net.

The Experience

Beyond the gear, the technique, and the catch, fly fishing offers a unique experience that is hard to find in any other activity. It takes you to some of the most beautiful and remote places in the world, where you can connect with nature and enjoy the peaceful solitude of the great outdoors.

fly fishing group
Fly Fishing can be enjoyed with friends, family, or even strangers and it provides an opportunity to connect with others who share your passion for the sport and for the outdoors.

The sound of the water rushing by, the chirping of birds in the trees, and the feeling of the sun on your face all combine to create a sense of calm and tranquility that is hard to find in our busy, fast-paced world.

Fly fishing also offers a chance to disconnect from technology and the stresses of everyday life. Without the distractions of phones, emails, and social media, you can fully immerse yourself in the experience and enjoy the beauty of the natural world around you.

Moreover, it’s a social activity that can be enjoyed with friends, family, or even strangers. It provides an opportunity to connect with others who share your passion for the sport and to learn from experienced anglers who can offer tips and advice to help you improve your skills.

In the end, the experience is about more than just catching fish. It’s about connecting with nature, challenging yourself, and enjoying the beauty of the world around you. Whether you’re a seasoned angler or a beginner, fly fishing offers a unique experience that is hard to beat.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, fly fishing offers a unique challenge that sets it apart from traditional fishing. From the specialized gear to the intricate technique, it requires a higher level of skill, patience, and finesse than other types of fishing. However, the reward of catching a fish on a fly, the opportunity to connect with nature, and the chance to disconnect from technology and the stresses of everyday life make it all worthwhile.

Whether you’re a seasoned angler or a beginner, fly fishing offers a challenge that can be enjoyed at any level. So next time you’re looking for a new adventure, consider trying your hand at it. It’s a rewarding experience that offers a unique challenge and an opportunity to connect with nature in a way that few other activities can match.

Looking to experience the special style of fishing for yourself? Check out these Best-Selling Fly Rod & Reel Sets on Amazon:

Clear Your Mind and Boost Your Mood: The Psychological Benefits of Mountain Air

why is mountain air good for you
Research shows that mountain air can help aid in mental health.

When we think about the benefits of spending time in nature, we often focus on physical health benefits such as improved cardiovascular health or increased physical activity. However, there are also many mental health benefits to spending time in natural environments, particularly those at higher elevations where the air is thinner and cleaner. In this article, we’ll explore the science behind the psychological benefits of mountain air and why it’s so good for our minds as well as our bodies.

For many of us, spending time in nature can be a refreshing break from our busy, technology-filled lives. We may find ourselves feeling more relaxed, calm, and at ease after a hike in the mountains or a weekend camping trip. But what’s actually happening in our bodies and brains when we’re exposed to mountain air? And why might this be so beneficial for our psychological health?

In the following sections, we’ll delve into the science of mountain air and explore how exposure to this natural environment can improve mood, reduce stress, and enhance cognitive function. By the end of this article, you’ll have a greater appreciation for the power of mountain air to clear your mind and boost your mood.

The Science of Mountain Air

Mountain air is often described as fresh, clean, and invigorating. But what exactly makes it different from air at lower elevations, and why might it be beneficial for our psychological health?

One key difference is the composition of the air itself. At higher altitudes, the air is thinner and contains less oxygen than at lower elevations. In fact, at the summit of Mount Everest, the air pressure is only about one-third that of sea level, making it difficult for climbers to breathe without supplemental oxygen.

While most of us aren’t scaling Everest, even moderate elevation changes can have an impact on our bodies. As we breathe in mountain air, our lungs have to work harder to extract the oxygen we need, which can increase our heart rate and respiration. This increased oxygenation can lead to a number of health benefits, including improved physical endurance and reduced risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and stroke.

But the benefits of mountain air go beyond just physical health. Research has also shown that exposure to natural environments, particularly those at higher elevations, can have positive effects on our mental well-being. One study found that spending time in nature led to decreased activity in the part of the brain associated with rumination and negative thought patterns, suggesting that exposure to nature may help reduce symptoms of depression. Another study found that participants who spent time in nature had lower levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) compared to those who spent time in an urban environment.

Overall, the combination of thinner, cleaner air and exposure to nature at higher elevations appear to offer a unique set of benefits for our physical and mental health. In the following sections, we’ll explore how exposure to mountain air can improve mood, reduce stress, and enhance cognitive function.

How Mountain Air Improves Mood

why is mountain air good for you
Mountain air is different in composition – it’s thinner and cleaner.

Have you ever noticed how you feel more relaxed and content after spending time in the mountains? There’s a reason for that. Exposure to mountain air can have a positive impact on our mood, helping us feel more calm, centered, and happy.

One way that mountain air can improve our mood is through its effects on the neurotransmitters in our brains. Research has shown that exposure to natural environments can increase levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in regulating mood and happiness. Mountain air may be particularly effective in this regard, as the increased oxygenation from breathing in thin air can enhance the brain’s ability to produce serotonin.

In addition, spending time in nature can help reduce stress and anxiety, both of which can have a negative impact on our mood. When we’re in nature, our brains enter a state of relaxation, with decreased activity in the prefrontal cortex. This shift in brain activity can lead to decreased rumination and negative thought patterns, helping us feel more at ease and less stressed.

Finally, exposure to mountain air can also help us feel more connected to something larger than ourselves, whether it’s the natural world, the universe, or a sense of spirituality. This feeling of connectedness can be particularly powerful in improving mood and enhancing well-being.

Overall, the combination of increased oxygenation, reduced stress, and a greater sense of connectedness can all contribute to the mood-boosting effects of mountain air. So the next time you’re feeling down, consider taking a trip to the mountains for a natural mood lift.

How Mountain Air Reduces Stress

Stress is a common part of modern life, and it can have serious negative effects on our physical and mental health. Fortunately, spending time in the mountains and breathing in fresh mountain air can be an effective way to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

One of the ways that mountain air can help reduce stress is through its effects on the body’s stress response system. When we encounter stressors in our environment, our bodies release cortisol, a hormone that prepares us for “fight or flight” responses. While cortisol can be helpful in short bursts, chronically elevated levels of cortisol can have negative effects on our health, including increased inflammation and a weakened immune system.

Research has shown that spending time in natural environments, such as the mountains, can help reduce cortisol levels and promote relaxation. In addition, the increased oxygenation from breathing in thin mountain air can help improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to the brain, which can also have a calming effect.

Another way that mountain air can help reduce stress is by promoting mindfulness and reducing rumination. When we’re surrounded by the beauty and majesty of the mountains, it’s easy to let go of our worries and focus on the present moment. This can help us break out of negative thought patterns and reduce rumination, which is a common contributor to stress and anxiety.

Finally, spending time in the mountains and breathing in fresh air can also be a great way to disconnect from the digital world and reduce the distractions and demands of modern life. This can help us recharge our batteries and return to our daily routines feeling more energized and focused.

Overall, the stress-reducing effects of mountain air can be a powerful tool in promoting both physical and mental well-being. So the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out, consider taking a trip to the mountains to breathe in the fresh, clean air and reconnect with nature.

How Mountain Air Enhances Cognitive Function

In addition to its positive effects on mood and stress, spending time in the mountains and breathing in fresh mountain air can also have a powerful impact on cognitive function. Here are some of the ways that mountain air can help enhance your brainpower:

why is mountain air good for you
Feeling anxious, down, or depressed – mountain air might just what the doctor ordered.
Increased oxygenation

One of the key benefits of mountain air is that it is thinner than air at sea level, which means that it contains less nitrogen and more oxygen. This increased oxygenation can help improve blood flow to the brain, which can enhance cognitive function and mental clarity. In fact, research has shown that even short-term exposure to high-altitude environments can improve cognitive performance.

Reduced air pollution

Another benefit of mountain air is that it is generally cleaner and less polluted than air in urban environments. Exposure to air pollution has been linked to cognitive decline and an increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. By contrast, breathing in fresh, clean mountain air can help protect your brain from these harmful effects.

Increased physical activity

Spending time in the mountains often involves physical activity, whether it’s hiking, skiing, or mountain biking. Research has shown that regular exercise can help improve cognitive function by increasing blood flow to the brain, promoting the growth of new neurons, and reducing inflammation. So, if you’re hitting the trails in the mountains, you’re not only getting the benefits of fresh air, but also the benefits of exercise.

Reduced stress and anxiety

As mentioned above, spending time in the mountains and breathing in fresh air can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. This, in turn, can help improve cognitive function by reducing the negative effects of stress on the brain.

Spending time in the mountains and breathing in fresh air can be a great way to enhance your cognitive function and mental clarity. So, if you’re looking for a natural way to boost your brainpower, consider getting out of town and into the mountains.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, spending time in the mountains and breathing in fresh, clean mountain air can have a range of positive psychological benefits. From improving mood and reducing stress to enhancing cognitive function, the science is clear that mountain air is good for you.

While more research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms behind these effects, there are several factors that likely contribute to the benefits of mountain air, including increased oxygenation, reduced air pollution, and physical activity. Additionally, the natural beauty and tranquility of mountain environments may play a role in promoting relaxation and mental well-being.

So, if you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or mentally fatigued, plan a trip to high elevations to breathe in some fresh air and soak up the natural beauty of these incredible environments. Whether you’re hiking through a forest, skiing down a mountain, or simply taking in the view, spending time in the mountains can be a great way to clear your mind, boost your mood, and enhance your cognitive function.

Need an Outdoors fix? Check out our guides to camping, boondocking, stand up paddleboarding and more!

The Wear and Tear of Hiking Boots: When It’s Time for a New Pair

hiking boots through a stream

Hiking is an popular way to explore outdoor spaces and it can be an important part of your outdoor self-care routine. While hiking doesn’t require a lot of equipment to get started, a solid pair of hiking boots can go a long way in making your hiking experiences more enjoyable. Hiking boots are designed to take a lot of punishment out on the trail. So how do you know when to replace hiking boots?

Hiking boots are a critical piece of gear for anyone who enjoys spending time in the great outdoors. They protect your feet from rough terrain, provide stability and support, and can even prevent injuries. However, even the most durable hiking boots will eventually wear out over time.

Knowing when it’s time to replace your hiking boots is crucial for maintaining their effectiveness and keeping your feet safe and comfortable on the trail. In this article, we’ll discuss the signs of wear and tear to look out for, and provide tips for determining when it’s time for a new pair.

But before we dive into the details, let’s take a moment to appreciate the importance of hiking boots in general. Whether you’re embarking on a short day hike or a multi-day backpacking trip, the right footwear can make all the difference in your experience. So, whether you’re a seasoned hiker or new to the game, read on to learn more about when it’s time to replace your trusty hiking boots.

The Signs of Wear and Tear

Hiking boots are subjected to a lot of wear and tear during their lifespan, so it’s important to know what to look for when assessing whether it’s time for a replacement. Here are some signs that your hiking boots may be nearing the end of their useful life:

Visible damage to the sole, upper, or lining
  • Check the soles of your boots for wear, such as smooth spots or holes, which can compromise traction and support.
  • Look for tears or holes in the upper material, which can allow water and debris to enter the boot.
  • Check the lining of the boots for holes or signs of wear, as this can cause discomfort and blisters.
hiking boots on a ledge
If your boots feel looser or tighter than they used to, it may be time to retire your old hiking boots.
Loss of support or cushioning
  • Over time, the cushioning in your boots may break down, causing your feet to feel less supported and comfortable.
  • If you notice your boots feel less springy or squishy underfoot, it may be time for a new pair.
Changes in the fit or comfort level
  • As boots age, they may lose their shape or stretch out, causing your feet to slide around inside.
  • If you notice your boots feel looser or tighter than they used to, or that you’re developing blisters or hot spots, it may be time for a new pair.
Unusual noises or sensations when walking
  • Listen for unusual noises, such as squeaking or creaking, which can indicate that the boots are breaking down.
  • Pay attention to any unusual sensations, such as slipping or sliding, as this can also indicate that the boots are no longer providing the necessary support and traction.

By paying attention to these signs of wear and tear, you can determine whether it’s time to retire your old hiking boots and invest in a new pair that will keep your feet safe, comfortable, and supported on your next hiking adventure.

Determining When to Replace Your Hiking Boots

Now that you know what signs of wear and tear to look for, it’s time to consider a few other factors to help determine when it’s time to replace your hiking boots.

The type and frequency of use
  • If you’re an occasional hiker who only hits the trails a few times a year, your boots may last longer than if you’re a frequent hiker who spends several days a month on the trail.
  • Additionally, if you primarily hike on well-groomed trails versus rocky or rugged terrain, your boots may last longer as well.
The age of the boots
  • Even if your boots still look and feel fine, if they’re several years old, it may be time to consider replacing them.
  • As a general rule of thumb, hiking boots should be replaced every 500 miles or so, depending on the conditions in which they were used.
The severity of the wear and tear
  • If you notice any of the signs of wear and tear mentioned earlier, it may be time to replace your boots regardless of their age.
  • Additionally, if you’ve experienced any foot or ankle injuries while hiking, it’s important to ensure that your boots are providing the support and stability you need.
Personal comfort and preference
  • At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide when to replace your hiking boots based on your own comfort and preference.
  • If you find that your boots are no longer comfortable or supportive, it’s time to start shopping for a new pair.

By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision about when to replace your hiking boots, ensuring that you’re always equipped with the best gear for your hiking adventures.

Are your hiking boots a bit tired but not yet worthy of replacement? You may consider repairing them yourself.

Tips for Extending the Life of Your Hiking Boots

hiking boots overlooking a beautiful wilderness area
It’s important to take good care of your hiking boots to ensure they last as long as possible.

Replacing your hiking boots can be a significant investment, so it’s important to take good care of them to ensure they last as long as possible. Here are some tips for extending the life of your hiking boots:

Clean and dry your boots after each use
  • After a hike, remove any dirt or debris from your boots using a soft brush or cloth.
  • Allow your boots to air dry thoroughly before storing them, as leaving them damp can cause mold and mildew to develop.
Store your boots properly
  • Avoid storing your boots in a damp or humid area, as this can cause the materials to break down more quickly.
  • Store your boots in a cool, dry place and avoid stacking heavy items on top of them.
Treat your boots with care
  • Avoid kicking or scraping your boots against rocks or other hard surfaces, as this can cause damage to the sole or upper.
  • Use caution when tightening or adjusting laces, as overtightening can cause undue stress on the upper material.
Get your boots professionally cleaned and resoled
  • If your boots are showing signs of wear and tear, consider taking them to a professional for cleaning and resoling.
  • This can extend the life of your boots and save you money in the long run.

By taking good care of your hiking boots, you can extend their lifespan and ensure that you get the most out of your investment. Remember to inspect your boots regularly and replace them when necessary to ensure that you’re always equipped with the best gear for your next adventure.

The Bottom Line

Hiking boots are a crucial piece of gear for any hiker, providing support, stability, and protection on the trail. However, like any piece of gear, hiking boots will eventually wear out and need to be replaced. By knowing the signs of wear and tear to look for and considering factors such as frequency of use and age of the boots, you can make an informed decision about when to replace your hiking boots.

In addition, taking good care of your hiking boots by cleaning and storing them properly, treating them with care, and getting them professionally cleaned and resoled can help extend their lifespan and save you money in the long run.

Remember, your hiking boots are an investment in your hiking experience, and it’s important to ensure that you have the best gear for the trail. By following these tips and guidelines, you can ensure that you’re always equipped with the best hiking boots for your adventures.

Looking for some new hiking boots? Here are 3 of of the best sellers on Amazon:



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