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The Mountains
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Outdoor Gear Reviews, Tips & Adventure Stories to Inspire an Outdoor Life
The Mountains
The Desert
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The Mountains
Snowboarding in Search of Solitude
February 1, 2023
Perfect conditions and no lift lines set the tone for my “Search” The Need for An Escape This year’s winter storms have been good to our local ski resort. Consistent snowstorms have brought incredible conditions and plenty of fresh powder. It’s been years since I’ve been snowboarding, but with the growing stress at work and home combined with the recent snowstorms, I can hear the mountain calling. As I leave home for the high country, I feel a cloud of uneasiness. I…
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Fly Fishing in Greer
October 19, 2021
Arizona isn’t known for its trout fishing. Much of the landscape doesn’t allow for the ideal conditions for trout to grow big. But in Arizona’s White Mountains, there is some really fun fly fishing in Greer, Arizona. Growing up, some of my best memories were fishing with my dad. We weren’t very good fishermen, but the reward of landing a fish was a feeling unlike anything else. Back then, we were lazy fishermen, usually resorting to some sort of smelly bait left on the lake bottom overnight. We would wake in the morning hoping that a catf…
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