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Outdoor Gear Reviews, Tips & Adventure Stories to Inspire an Outdoor Life
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Bluetti EB3A Portable Power Station Review
We take for granted how easy we have it. The plethora of devices we use each day are easily powered (or recharged) by plugging them into our walls. We turn on lights, use our phones, keep our food cool, and charge our computers all with the electricity coursed through our homes. But when we…
Hands On Review: JBL Flip 6 Bluetooth Speaker
The JBL Flip 6 is the perfect Bluetooth speaker for outdoor activites. Every music lover should have a good Bluetooth speaker handy for times when your phone speakers just aren’t loud enough. Outdoor activities like cam…
Hands-On Review: Renogy 200Ah Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery
Outdoor adventures, whether it’s camping, van life, sailing, or off-grid travels, often require a reliable source of power to keep devices charged and essential equipment running smoothly. In recent years, lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries have gained popularity due to their superior…
Off the Beaten Path: A Beginner’s Guide to Overlanding
What’s Overlanding? We like to think of overlanding as car camping without the campgrounds. Have you ever wanted to experience the freedom of the open road and explore the world on your own terms? If so, overlanding may …
How to Conduct an Energy Audit on a Recreational Vehicle
An energy audit can help determine the energy efficiency of your electrical system and make sure it’s sized appropriately When exploring wild spaces in an RV, van, travel trailer, or boat, it’s important for your vehicle…
The Outward Overland Trailer: Electrical System Design & Diagram
Jump to the Outward Trailer Wiring Diagram We purchased a custom off-road trailer to use as a platform to build the perfect overland trailer. We’ve spent the past few years adding an electrical system, a water system, a pull-out kitchen, and a roof rack system to complete the build. In t…
Designing a DIY Off Grid Solar System
Adding solar panels to an off-grid electrical system can help extend trips to the outdoors. These days, a growing number of people are choosing to explore the outdoors in comfort. Having the luxuries of lighting, refrig…
Renogy Battery Monitor Review
Off-grid power systems can be complex. Off-grid power systems typically have multiple inputs to charge your batteries – including solar, 120V AC, or DC. Your power system also has various outputs – such as inverters, lighting, refrigeration, and more. Away from home, you rely on your power syste…
Review: OVS Nomadic Car Side Shower Room
The Nomadic Side Shower Room provides important privacy when showering, changing, or using the bathroom outdoors. Being able to take a shower and use the toilet comfortably while camping shouldn’t be considered a luxury. …
Review: OVS Nomadic 270 LT Awning
This past summer, we purchased and installed the OVS Nomadic 270 LT Awning on our overland trailer. What follows is our OVS Nomadic 270 Awning review, detailing our thoughts, opinions, and experiences with the awning. As we were building our overland trailer, it quickly became clear that w…
Satellite Communicators: How to Stay in Touch While Off the Grid
The Zoleo Satellite Communicator Everybody’s definition of what is the wild is different. For some, the wild might be a hike in the hills on the outskirts of town. For others, the wild is backpacking deep in the mountains far from civi…
The Outward Overland Trailer
Camping in our restored 1968 Airstream Overlander 5 years ago, I purchased and restored a 1968 Airstream Overlander Travel Trailer. It was a LOT of work, but the finished product provided my family and I with a pretty kill…
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