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The Mountains
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Outdoor Gear Reviews, Tips & Adventure Stories to Inspire an Outdoor Life
The Mountains
The Desert
The Sea
Nomadix Original Towel Review
The Only Towel You’ll Ever Need? When it comes to outdoor activities, towels often get overlooked when packing. Traditional cotton towels can take up a lot of space inevitably leading you to question if they’re really ne…
From Backpacks to Pockets: A Review of the Vapur Flexible Water Bottle
In a world where environmental sustainability is increasingly on our minds – reusable water bottles are everywhere. As concerns about single-use plastic waste continue to mount, the demand for eco-friendly alternatives has never been higher. Stainless steel and hard plastic water bottles domi…
Paddling Paradise: Kayaking the Colorado River
In the middle of the Arizona desert, just south of the Utah border, lies a paddler’s paradise. Deep in a sandstone canyon that starts at Lake Powell and ends in the Grand Canyon, the Colorado River twists and turns across the rugged landscape. On the surface, hundreds of feet above the canyo…
The Pros and Cons of Inflatable Kayaks: Everything You Need to Know
Kayaking provides the freedom to explore the beauty of nature from the water. Whether on the ocean coastline, a mountain lake, or a forested river, kayaks give you a unique perspective of the outdoors. We’ve explored why kayaking is so much fun in the past here at Outward Spaces. From the ph…
Why Kayaking is So Much Fun: Exploring the Joy and Thrill of Paddling on the Water
Kayaking is so much fun for a multitude of reasons. Spending time out on the water is always a privilege. Whether it’s ocean, lakes, or rivers, there’s something truly special about having the chance to explore bodies o…
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From Backpacks to Pockets: A Review of the Vapur Flexible Water Bottle